I moved into this complex not even 2 weeks ago and am already moving out! I read all the reviews about this complex and thought it sounded great given the price, looks, location, size, amenities, etc. It was a LIE! The complex writes their own reviews!
Let's start with moving in. I got to the complex to sign my lease (after calling 2x that week to VERIFY THE DAY I WAS MOVING IN), and was told that there was no lease ready for me to sign. They didn't know I was even moving in! I waited on a lease to be written up (which had to be altered because half the information was wrong) and then they didn't even bother to go over it with me! Noone took it upon themselves to make sure I understood what the hell I was signing!
I finally got the keys to the apartment, got in, and the place was FILTHY! There was hair all in the bathrooms, trash still in the cabinets, the floors hadn't been vacuumed, the windows were filthy, EVERYTHING! I had to get on my hands and knees and SCRUB the bathroom floor with a toothbrush and bleach to see that the tile was white! The grout is impossible to get back white! It looks horrible! And half of the tile has come up and they stuck it back in caulk, not grout. Half of them are coming back up again. The paint job was so bad that the tubs are covered in paint, the mirrors are covered, there is paint all in the carpet, just horrendous! They did not bother moving the washer/dryer or stove to paint behind it. The refrigerator had mold growing in it. When we wiped out the cabinets they were black. The dishwasher was not even fastened into the kitchen and I can STILL (after maintainance took 4 days to *FIX* it) pull it out from under the counter! The ceiling in the master bedroom leaks. The wood in the cabinet under the sink is rotten. The sliding patio doors do not close all the way. The wood on the deck is rotten.
I've saved the best for last...other tenants! Within the first 12 hours of moving in, I had to call the police on the neighbors for using drugs! I mean the whole building smelt of pot! I'm allergic to it and get an instant migraine within moments of smelling it! They were issued a citation. I called the complex to tell them what was going on and they said it was not their problem! SERIOUSLY! Even though in the lease it states that first time offense is automatic termination! WHAT A LIE! And the behavior continues, EVERY DAY! I am tired of calling the cops! Oh, top that off with the kids! There are all these teenagers in heat running around all hours of the day and night! People just want to loiter around in the parking lot, listen to music really loud in their cars, prop open the LOCKING hallway door, and tromp in and out! It is not even CLOSE to being quiet here! And I was told this is one of the QUIETEST BUILDINGS IN THE COMPLEX! WHAT A JOKE! Also, the day I moved in, a lady down the hall had her car broken into. Another lady down the hall was moving out the day after I moved in, and she told me I made a mistake and that the Bronx in New York are more safe than this place. I AGREE! Since I have moved in, I have purchased a gun that I keep by my bed! That's how grrrrreat the area is! And best part, I still don't sleep at night because I have these two HUGE PATIO DOORS THAT DON'T LOCK! I'm told ""oh, well you live on the top floor, that shouldn't be an issue"" when I've heard from the police department that there are break-ins to the storage units off the balconies all the time!
I have filed complaint after complaint after complaint to the complex. I have asked numerous times to speak with the manager and I only ever get second best, the assistant manager. I keep being told ""oh, we'll call you back"" and it NEVER HAPPENS! And that's IF you can find someone in their office! Oh, and emailing them is a JOKE too!
Pros: Nothing unless you like drugs, rape, and robery!