I was tired of the usual-- bad headaches, bloated stomach, back to work. I tried Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa, and I am so glad I did!
First and foremost, I love the idea of an all inclusive resort. Buffets and tasty drinks. But, the best part here is their nutrition experts and chefs make eating this wellness spa food a treat-- and I lost 5 pounds in one week!
The expert physicians also took my baselines as I entered and exited the luxury resort spa and I went from an out-of-control diabetic with severe hypertension and high risk for cancer and heart disease (with a smoking problem), to a controlled diabetic with almost-normal blood pressure, and I am now 2 1/2 weeks without a cigarette!
As far as the ""mental wellness"" part. they helped there too. The massages and amazingly tranquil environment were just what I needed. My suite was of luxury down to the last frill on the curtain.
Going here was one of the best decisions of my adult life. I will go back to wellness spa-- the resort spa that I will credit with my first six pack ever-- in a year, if I can wait that long!