If you have a business of any kind Ptex Group could be the answer to streamlining your processes. Over the years the variable costs for my business have been eaten up by hiring someone to do some work on our web design, someone to handle web marketing and seo,
someone to work on printing, having to find the right people and resources for a call center not to mention graphic design tasks for products and advertising. It just got to be too much in the way of tracking so I did a little searching to see if there was any way to consolidate this work and found it in Ptex Group. They have a super uber competent team of professionals who are willing to take these tasks off your plate and inject a level of excellence that is refreshing. If time is money then these guys have already saved me a bundle. If you're over taxed with having to monitor all the pieces of your business machine then give Ptex Group a call and let them lighten the load. I highly recommend this company.