I went to Dr. Prince because I had had lower back pain for around 8 months. Besides the regular xrays, he did a movement/strength/flexibility analysis on me, found some areas of weakness and asymmetry and began to address those with some do-at-home exercises. He began a course of adjustments for my back and then had Rance, who is an active relief technician, work on the areas of soreness in my lower back and also my ribs which had hurt for 3 to 4 years. The result af all this is that my lower back pain has been almost entirely gone for months and so has my rib pain. I still go in for maintenance bc I am active and sometimes overdo things which can trigger my lower back, but even when I do, the discomfort is minor compared to what it used to be. Dr. Prince's office is a nice place to be, as well--nice receptionists, never much of a wait if any, treatments from Rance are very beneficial, and Dr. Prince always has time to answer questions and discuss progress or problems...I am so thankful a friend referred him to me and love telling others about him.