My family and I want to thank each and every staff member at Primary Children's Hospital. My darling\r
grandson Ely was born at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful in September. At two months he was \r
diagnosed with laryngomalacea and tracheamalacea. He also had a small piece of tissue that\r
was blocking his airway at times.\r
He had surgery to remove the tissue and extra cartilage from his airway; a bronchoscopy; a \r
sigmoidoscopy, as well as other tests to determine his condition. \r
My daughter, Ely's mother, is only 23 years old. She was treated with the greatest respect and\r
kindness by the entire staff, the doctors were extremely caring to her and the baby and even me,\r
the gramma.\r
He has since done extremely well, he caught a cold at 3 1/2 months, but now at 4 months weighs\r
almost 16 pounds and is developing very rapidly. He's physically very strong and interactive.\r
Having lost babies in the past in my family, we know how extremely precious each child is and\r
we are more grateful than words can express to all of you who helped with Ely. And please\r
know that we are loving and caring for him in the very best way we know each and every day and\r
that we know how very lucky we are to have him with us.\r
He is our little bit of bright and shiny heaven on earth!\r
Debra J Wilde \r
Melinda J & Ely James Sanchez\r
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & friends\r