The apartments are over taken with mold. It's inside the HVAC systems being blown out through the ducts into the apartments(see pictures below of what was blowing directly into my children's room over their beds. What started our journey through **** was my son being sick for over a month claiming he could not breathe in his room.I was feeling lethargic myself(needing cases of 5hr energy drinks to get threough the days) and we all had strange rashes, headaches,and from my ears through my chest was inflammed. I went through the apartment dusting,cleaning, and removing things from his room and when I went to put it in the storage closet...the right side of the wall around the HVAC system was covered in Black and green mold my face instantly broke out and eyes burned. I immediately contacted the office they came out the next day and cleaned the mold away with a bleach solution and said they would be back to paint in a few weeks when the wall dried(they put a fan in the closet). So after the stirred up the spores up ..we felt even worst and eyes turned red, we went to stay with my mother while we figure out what to do. In the meantime I tested the apartment with a home kits(see pics below of what was coming throughout all the vents in the apartment.) Because of this I had the air professionally tested and was told that the amount of mold spores in the air was hazardous to our health.I decided that we must move immediately. The specialist also said our belongings were also contaminated. So, we had to trash all of our beds,furniture, everything and start over. It ws a nightmare. I wrote a letter to the office and did not hear back from management except for 3 weeks later to tell me that my next months rent was late. They paint and cover up this problem! We are still sick and since then my children's breathing levels were so low they have been put on 4 respiratory and asthma medications and steroids. I can't even afford to go to the doctor to address my health problems which include,memory loss( I had to change all my passwords and write them down because I could not remember them, at work I have to ask questions about things I had been doing for over a year and take notes),unexplained rashes(boils on neck),inflammation.... it has really messed us up!! And the apartment complex then sent me a bill for moving out without sufficient notice. Do your research because infants have been known to die from this type of mold exposure while some of us suffer numerous life-altering symptoms! BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!THe apartment complex accepts no responsiblilty and will ignore your needs. No offer to move us to another apartment or anything!!! Newsletters coming soon and I will be handing them out at the QT on the corner!!(TBA)