I am giving Posh Puppies 5 stars just in case the Rate it doesn't show that - it seems to change on its own. was lucky enough to find a Brussels Griffon little girl at Posh Puppies on August 4, 2011. Helen was wonderful - i was taken into a viewing room and she brought the little puppy girl in......
While talking with her i can see her passion and care. Just read the story about Oreo, the pug - she did not have to do what she did! And yes, she may very well get some dogs from puppy mill auctions - but guess what = SHE IS SAVING THEIR YOUNG LIVES!! Saving them from death! She may not be able to get all the dogs, due to financial issues, but she is doing A LOT more than peopel who are complaining about Posh Puppies Rescue....Why don't the complainers do something to save MANY dogs????? It is so easy to complain.....