Without a doubt Popeye's makes the best chicken in the city, as far as fast food is concerned. The problem isn't with the chicken, oh no. The problem is (among other things) the fact that they play the national commercials here with no intention on selling these new items in Boise, or barely ordering enough to last a week. For instance, when Popeye's first started selling crawfish I decided that I would head down to my local popeyes and enjoy a delicious crawfish basket, with fries, and biscuit. Upon arriving at the aforementioned establishment I was informed that not only were they not selling crawfish, but they would never be selling crawfish. My problem with this is that is seems like if they're going to play the commercial they might as well sell the product. A similar story is true of the ""chicken dippers"" that came out recently, not that they didn't sell them, but they only ordered enough for just under one week (which is ok enough, I suppose, considering the franchise owner has to guess on the amount to be ordered).
The service is shaky at best; it's rare when you get good service. More often than anything it seems like I walked into Clerks 2, and my presence there annoys the workers.