I am a different kind of case entirely. I did not go to the Plourde Institute because I believed I had any health issues. I am an athlete and thought I was within a healthy weight range. I was just fascinated by all this stuff that his ad said. I had 30 minutes to kill on a friday evening before hitting traffic.
What I discovered after an initial visit is that I have been inadvertently lied to by every doctor about my weight. Because most doctors use an arbitrary ratio to determine if you're in a heathy weight range, they said your x tall and weigh x, you???re underweight. Because my frame is small, they all thought I was. Well I wasn't. I was shocked that for years my doctors couldn???t do better than that.
What I???d been told was to gain weight and reduce my exercise to almost nothing. I was purposely trying to actually gain weight so that I could conceive a baby. What I actually did was throw my insulin off an prob undermined that whole effort. Not only that, I was totally miserable. I felt exhausted, depressed and less mentally sharp.
I started the program, and while I could care less about the weight loss, I know what I am doing is working for me. I fly right out of bed every morning instead of it being nearly impossible to haul myself out. My body not my head now tell me when I need to eat, I used to get these terrible headaches when the blood sugar would drop. I look in the mirror and its like time is going in reverse on my face. It's less wrinkled than its been in 5 years. The depressive cloud hanging over my whole situation is lifting off. It's been two weeks, I wonder what will happen in 2 months.
Some of these reviews I've read say this program is too expensive. I posed the question to myself: How much will it cost me to care for myself after I've gradually eroded my organs and immune system? What quality of life will I have if I wait until I am 60 or 70 to try to do something right? What will it cost me to fight the cancers and diseases that may grow in my body? I can look around at some of my family and shutter at the answer.
To eat right, some say its too hard. Of course it is. Undoing years of eating an American diet and breaking what have become sugar addictions is hard. I still would rather know how to do it. I honestly didn't. I thought all the things I ate were healthy. They weren't that bad. What I can't dispute is that taking those things out of my diet has helped my entire body look and work better and I had a safe, healthy and structured approach for it, very important to my situation. I get daily encouragement, which I don???t really need as much as some but appreciate none the less!
The investment in this education, again weighed against the cost illness I will prevent, seems like a worthwhile investment to me. We invest in cars, houses, retirement, why not health? I want to live a long time and chase around grandkids. What you get here is a teacher, dietitian, trainer, counselor and someone holding you accountable daily to do what you ned to do (rolled into one). I hope more people think that they are worth the investment.