Well lets talk about our Play N trade for a minute. The one in Idaho Falls anyways. This doesn't go for all of them. It seems most of the Play N trade workers other than Kyle himself seem's to be more interested in something other than there work. I felt as a stranger when I entered the store. Totally ignored and not at all welcome in there establishment. Which is really considerering that they were more than willing to do will and deal with there trades, but that stranger type feeling of I don't belong there coming from the guy that owns the store. I felt so neglected in customer service wise that I wouldn't recommend this game store to anyone. The lack of titles was more than enough to throw me off but due to the lack of customer service I will probably never step foot in there place ever again. I am sorry but to due to lack of customer service (which is really what I want) I wouldn't recommend this store and this is coming from a serious gamer itself. Don't frequent this store unless you like the feeling of unappreciative feeling and not wanted there.