So - I think I just found my new neighborhood mechanic!\r
My car has been acting funky and deciding to not turn on out of the blue (I thought it was just because it was sick of me driving it to work on the weekends...I mean who works the weekends?!?) So last weekend I stopped by a PepBoys to have the battery checked. For $15 they checked the battery, altenator, and starter and said it was all fine so it much be a 'major problem'. On that note I took my keys, paid the $15 and said 'Thank you very much goodbye' aka 'screw you I know it's nothing major PepBoys' and went on my merry way.\r
A week later, on Saturday, my car started acting funky AGAIN. It died on me while stopped at a light on 10th and Washington and this nice guy pushed me over into a parking lot, gave me a jump, and suggested I take it to Pinnacle down the street.\r
Within 10 minutes they had it pulled in, battery tested and diagnosis explained - battery is bad. Even though they obviously had other work going on, they