STAY AWAY - the management will do EVERYTHING they can to keep your deposit upon move-out. We had to sue them in Small Claims court to get ours back. We ended up with all our deposit and court costs. Unfortunately it is a long process and a financial strain to wait for months to get your money back! So unless you have the time to go to court and extra cash to hold you over while you fight for what is rightfully yours I recommend that you stay away from this place.
I wish I had looked at Yelp before moving in as this is obviously a normal practice for them. The owner doesn't care that she is cheating hard-working families out of their money. She only cares about getting richer, she already has millions so why she feels compelled to take our hard-earned money I just don't know. Maybe she is just evil.
If you decide you want to take a chance PLEASE do what we did and document every single thing upon move-in. Take the Move-in Checklist and note every scratch, scuff, and imperfection as you do the walk-through. Look in all the nooks and crannies because they will find any excuse to try to get you to pay for their maintenance. (They probably already charged the person that just moved out and then never fixed the problem so they could turn around charge you too!) When you are done be sure they sign it and you get a copy for your files. AND take pictures and save them too.
As we began the fight to get our deposit back we spoke to numerous people with the same story!
Final words, save your money and a lot of frustration and just cross this place off your list.