They suck...they work for my landlord and I cannot plant ANYthing in the yard without putting a sturdy guard around it so they wont whack it down with the weed whacker or run over it with the lawnmower. They have systematically destroyed all of my patio planters with the same whacker, and this has gone on for a year. This year I put all my planters up onto the front porch to keep them out of harm's way, but this morning my grandchildren(who rarely visit) were treated to the sight of a large black man (one of the regular crew for over 2 years now) urinating in the bushes outside the guestroom window...the children were watching him mow the lawn, and he apparently decided that my bushes on the side of the house were a good place to relieve himself. I went out and yelled, told his supervisor and immediately called the phone numbers on the side of the answer on either number (I had to look the area code up because they have painted over it on the truck) and no return call. I realize that I am not the landlord and have no say in what service they use, but I wanted to warn others who DO have a choice in what lawn care service they use.