Hello Folks,
This is my first review on Judy's book and I hope that the experience here will be good. To say about me, I am Jaini a critical online shopper. I love to shop online which made me to think about writing reviews about the products and the e-store I prefer to buy.
To take off, I share my experience about recent perfume purchase on Perfume Bee. I don't buy new perfumes online unless tried from traditional stores directly. This time I wished to buy " Alien by Thierry Mugler For Women" and surfed online for its competitive price. I got into an e-store named "PerfumeBee". I have had transacted in overstockperfume shop previously. But I was impressed on the discounts allowed on the Perfumes at PerfumeBee. The actual price of Alien perfume is $67 but it is available for sale at just $47.67 which is nearly a 20% discount. Confused to buy if it might be of low quality. But I proceeded to buy the perfume on PerfumeBee store. My order was delivered after three days from the date it was transacted. The perfume smelt the exact flavor and I rechecked with my past used perfume bottles to see if its real. But everything went good, finally I got my perfume at less rate and saved money. I found nothing negative to write about this service. I just liked it and would continue my future purchase there. Its good to share a review here so that you can also save your money on perfume expense after all it is essential. Kudos to PerfumeBee.