My car was checked out by a certified mechanic, friend of the family, who told me that the power steering pump needed to be replaced on my car. No fluid was leaking, but the fluid was old and foaming. Jim at Pep Boys gave me an estimate of $196 for the repair. The next day they tell me I'm looking at about $840. I knew this was wrong and immediately came to pick it up. All the fluid was drained from my powersteering and they said the seal/boot had just broke therefore the whole rack & pinion needs replaced - including 6 hours of labor at approx $100/hr. I tried to argue there with no avail. Infact the manager attempted to charge me a $20 diagnostics fee for checking the vehicle out, after another mechanic there - told me about a half hour earlier on the phone that no diagnostics were even run. Jim then waived the $20. WOW thanks for nothing. How can guy live with him self?