The weekly ad of 11/4/2007 advertised a $139.99 Peak Lifetime Coolant Exchange (flush and refill). I first called to set an appointment, but the sales rep insisted that I had to come in to do that. Drove in, gave him my info (name, car, serial #,etc.) he then told me to come back in an hour and a half for the service.(DUH)\r
Meanwhile, the curious guy that I am, I started to look around the store for a bottle of the coolant they advertised, but could not find one. I asked the desk clerk to help me find it...lo and behold, they didn't have any!...wonder what they were going to put in my auto?\r
Anyway, cancelled the appointment and went the next day to a local garage in Comstock Park, where they charged me for the fill & flush with the Peak Lifetime Coolant $80.00....Lesson learned...stay with the locals for service and above all, a business that has adult supervision running the place.