Paul Mitchell The School Sherman Oaks

id: 28371526

15301 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

(818) 380-8120
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School Sports & Games

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All reviews seem negative


United States Tax Court 1997: JPMS had no useful inventory controls. By April 21, 1989, the warehouse was in disarray, and there was a several-months' supply of products stacke...

What is going on with these Paul Mitchell Folks? 3/30/2010

Yeah, You're right. I think many would agree. Its sad to say but the prestige that derives from this company is largely self perpetuating by clever marketing, and a highly intelegent and egotistical corperate schema. Behind all the dental flawse, and self congradulation, what you have is an unethical, hyper agressive, reckless, and dangerous group that have little idea about anything that they are doing. It is evident in student testimony, it is eveident in the fact that they have had hazardous waste inside their hair care products. This biological hazard waste is not put into their pruducts at the store level but according to court documents, origionates at the manufacture sites. It is most evident by the fact that the education they offer really is obsurd, substandard, and lacks many of the key fundamentals a cosmetologist needs to practice upon graduation. Behind all the superficail lip gloss, and lights camera action, you have a misguided, self congradualatory, moraly bankrupt, self defeating, self canabalizing company that really has an amazing concept but totaly defeats its own efforts at the ground level. Thier heads are totaly in the clouds. Ah yes, they use and abuse heir power and money to sabotoge other good people in the industry, all the while their is a loose grip over general company afairs to the point of dangerous recklessness. The scariest thing is that their is a sadistic air in their treatment and dealings with their own student clientell. Its as if to say, "You signed your contract and now we have you." Also what can start out as a $25,000.00 investment can often blosom into a $100,000.00 incursion. And they can and do break all their own rules to make a profit. Its criminal. Pros: ? Cons: These people have their heads screwed on backwards. more

What is going on with these Paul Mitchell Folks? 3/30/2010

Yeah, Pros: ? Cons: These people have their heads screwed on backwards. more

Hazordous Chemicals found in PM Hiar Products. 3/29/2010

United States Tax Court 1997: JPMS had no useful inventory controls. By April 21, 1989, the warehouse was in disarray, and there was a several-months' supply of products stacked up in JPMS' parking? lot. In fact, JPMS tracked its sales by manuallyrecording them on a blackboard. None of the JPMS staff knew how to use computers. As of April 21, 1989, JPMS had 21 employees who worked in a 90,000-square-foot warehouse space in Santa Clarita, California, owned by Mr. DeJoria and leased by JPMS. As of April 21, 1989, the warehouse space was not in compliance with the local fire code and had no environmental controls for drainage of waste orrunoff? water in the event of fire or disposal of poor-quality product. Some materials used to make hair careproducts are categorized as hazardous waste. Public Beware: Hazordous Waste in Paul Mitchell Hair Products. Pros: ? Cons: Hazordous Chemicals found in PM Hiar Products. more

Hazordous Chemicals found in PM Hiar Products. 3/29/2010

United States Tax Court 1997: Pros: ? Cons: Hazordous Chemicals found in PM Hiar Products. more

Going Down...... 11/14/2009

Yeah, I had a friend that went to school at the school in Los Angeles, Ca. She said the school was political and the teachers engaged regularly in group harasment of some of the "out" or less popular students. She said the teachers and faculty were unprofessional, eletist and snoby and it reflected in the work and attitudes of the students. She completed the "entire" program with all the expensive bells and wissles. She is in the process of paying back the over $25,000 in loans incured while in attendance. Oh, if you take out loans with the school, you should check the intrest thay plan to charge you after you hopefuly graduate. I've heard horror stories of some student loans jacking up to over $100,000.00 with outrageous intrest and penaties for late pay ect ect ect.. Don't be blinded by the lights camera action; Paul Mitchell is a mega international multi-million dollar corperation. They are out to make money first and foremost. Also, some of the students have to restart the program if their attendance is not nearly perfect. Oh, she has also seen other less popular students ejected from the program with out reasonable cause because they didn't bow down to the demanding, rude, tyranical management the lords over the establishment at Paul Mitchell the School L.A. If they object, they are told to read the fine print. They can't even litigate. They are directed to mediation with the company. And when you sign the contract you better grin and bear it becase you are required the pay the $25,000.00 plus any intrest by law even if you don't finish the training or get a licence to practice cosmetology. P.S. If you find youself being bullied, if you protest mal treatment at all, and the management doesn't seem all that concerned by your protests about being bullied, its a safe bet you'll never hold any signifigant roll in the company even if you do perservere and actualy graduate. And lastly, there is nothing more pathetic than watching a 45 year old woman in JPMS' Employ with bleach blond hair, in a corset, knee high ass tight mini skirt, and knee high leather boots ganging up with six to eight other students ages 18, 19, 20, and 21 against a single student who has made a life choice not to be a party to the gang bully hipocrate mentality at PMS. Unice Pros: A Multimillion-dollar Money Grabing Hoard Aglomeration... Cons: Dishonesty in Business Dealings with clients and students. more

Going Down...... 11/14/2009

Yeah, Pros: A Multimillion-dollar Money Grabing Hoard Aglomeration... Cons: Dishonesty in Business Dealings with clients and students. more
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