i am a client a parkside. It overcrowded and i have to sit in a hot dirty room elbow to elbow with at least 30 people for over three hours three days a week, it feels like some kind of strange punishment. The methadone however does keep me from doing other opiates and I need pain medication for severe back and leg pain. I am an addict so I cannot handle having my own script for pain medication because i will abuse it. My counselor is great but it is not a good environment for addicts, the groups should be an hour or two. Three hours is too too long to be around a bunch of other addicts.
Who is listening after the first hour, and it is painful to sit that long on those dirty chairs. It;s' not all bad but it's just way too crowded and I keep getting colds, stomach viruses, etc. it's just unhealthy to be in a hot crowded building with one bathrooom, I mean one toilet to share with about 500 women, nasty.