On Yelp, this place has 77 total reviews here and 64 of them are one-star. Here, of their 14 total reviews, 10 of them are one-star. They are one of the worst businesses that I've ever had the displeasure of associating with.
In the case of our HOA, after we fired them for rank incompetence, these morons illegally took 8-10 months of additional HOA fees from our bank account without our consent, essentially paying themselves an advance for services that they would never render. We sued them in Small Claims court and won.
Seriously, just look at their reviews here, look at their reviews on Yelp, and consider that we had to take them to Small Claims Court to get back money that they wrongfully took from us. Do you want this to be your HOA? No? Then stay the hell away from the band of fools that make up this business.