Since I have been practicing Breath Yoga, my quality of life has changed in ways I never imagined possible. Looking for a way to cure my lower back pain and fix chronic digestive issues, I began practicing this simple yet effective form of yoga. With the expert knowledge from the caring and loving Masters at Breath Yoga, my body began to change from the very first class! I now know how to breath right. I learned about the power of breathing and its effect on the body and mind. I learned how to relax...I mean really relax, not just physically, but mentally. The stretches or ""healing exercises"" as they call them, in all of their simplicity, have made my body incredibly flexible. But my favorite part of this practice, and what sets it apart from other types of yoga is the energy training. This is life altering. It is something one has to experience to fully understand and appreciate. This is the most gentle, intuitive and powerful way to heal your body, mind and spirit. I have experienced such inner peace and physical health through this training. My lower back is strong and pain free and my digestive system is working better than ever. I have so much energy! I am so happy I found this place and I highly recommend it.