Every time I have been to Panorama the experience has been extremely unpleasant -- long waits, rude receptionists, screwed up billing, the works! My last visit was to see Dr. Straehley to discuss a total knee replacement. After waiting 45 minutes in the lobby I was finally brought into an exam room. The writing was on the wall when shortly after I was brought into the exam room a woman came in to offer me something to eat and/or drink. I jokingly said to her, ""Uh oh, this scares me. Does this mean it's going to be a long wait?"" Oh no, no, no I was told. It doesn't mean that at all. Guess she and I have different versions of a long wait. The Dr. didn't see me until 1 hr and 45 minutes past my scheduled appt. time. He obviously was warned that I was upset because the first thing he said to me was, ""Are you going to get over this right now or should I just leave?"" Can you believe it?!?!? What a pompous jerk! Every bone in my body was telling me to leave but I really needed the cortisone shot he ordered. After waiting almost 2 hours to see a Dr he then spent all of 10 minutes with me. I wouldn't let this guy operate on me if he was the last surgeon on earth!