My son is a little over 3-years old and over the past couple of years, we've been to a large number of kid-oriented museums, fun parks, petting zoos, and the like. The Palo Alto Junior Museum ranks about middle of pack with some strengths and some opportunities to improve.
On the plus side, the Zoo is a relatively rare feature for a free neighborhood fun spot. The selection of animals is small, but includes enough variety (e.g. reptiles, bats, rabbits, birds, and a jungle cat) to keep my son well entertained for a solid half hour to an hour. The kids aren't allowed to pet the animals, but my son still enjoys himself and I'm happy not to have to clean goat slobber of him at the end of the trip.
Another bright spot for the Museum is it's location next to Riconada park, home to a large set of play structures and a public swimming pool designed specifically for young children.
On the negative side, the Museum exhibits are aging, don't change very frequently (or at all), and the gener