In an old barn on the way to Sullivans Island, you will find Linda Page's Theives Market. Two stories plus an outbuilding chock full of all the useless things you never knew you needed until you see them.
There are furniture auctions here, and they have a very large selection of antique furniture. That's great if it's your thing...I prefer the other part of the barn, where nick-nacks and junk fill the room from floor to ceiling. We've gotten so many great finds from Page's Theives Market and every time you go back you'll definitey find something different. If you see something you like, BUY IT THEN---chances are it will be gone if you go back.
Also, there are alot of free-roaming geese on the property. I don't know how they avoid being run over by traffic, but they do. There's cats that live inside the antique store as well. Beware---if you open a trunk that contains blankets for sale and start digging around, you may end up with a kitty in your hand who was snuggling and snoozing at the bottom of the trunk.