Stay away from these people! I obtained homeowners and auto policies through this agency and it cost me far more money than had I stayed with my original company. First, they undervalued my house by about 30% to low ball me on the quote. I did not find out until I received the declaration pages, much later, and when I went to correct it the price went up so high as to not be competitive at all. Well I should have read the declaration pages on the auto policy as well as a few months later we had a claim and discovered we had $750 comp and collision deductibles instead of the $500 I had requested and which would have been an apples to apples comparison with my old policy. When I finally went to discontinue the policies I was given the wrong email address to send the request to and the next the next month I ended up with 2 overdrafts as they continued to withdraw premiums. It was probably an honest mistake but they refuse to own up to it and cover the overdrafts. To be fair to Farmers, when we had the auto claim they handled it quickly and professionally and there is no way I could have been happier. If you do want to go with Farmers just find another agency as these people have no ethics whatsoever.