i worked for a week and then was ""layed-off"" turns out the guys on the rig didn't like beaners.. the toolpusher, dan molar, is an arrogant, ignorant, close-minded j3rk. make no mistake, i have experience and i made sure to bust my @ss that whole week..didn't want to give them a reason to run me off. ( i have a 1yr old daughter with epilepsy and need the insurance and money), especially since i just got layed offfrom greywolf last month.my point is be careful applying there or working with those guys, it doesn't matter how well you perform, just your last name is what they're interested in. mark GUERRA, ignored me all week,the driller for orion called my wife and told my wife that""the rig is laying him off."" & then hung up. didn't ask to talk to me or anything i called back immediately to see what the problem was.i couldn't get a straight answer.one guy said i wasn't cutting it & i asked for an example that i wasn't doing my job 2 the best of my ability..the reason suddenly changed to"" we need somebody with more experience"". i have over 3 years experience &take pride in the fact that if i was hired to clean a toilet that would be the cleanest toilet anybody ever saw. they R full of sh*t not to mention r@cist, judgemental and unprofessional. i have been raised around oil field trash.i know some big @ssholes.but these guys beat them all! i went into the office to make them aware of the situation &the company guys basically told me tough sH*t. couldn't get transferred to another rig or anything. they said that if i used them as a reference they would give me a good review so what the hell? maybe if i told them my wife is a rich white girl they would have at least given me a chance to prove myself.their loss....oh yeah mark guerra is chickensH*t for not telling me that i was lay me off 6hrs earlier when i was the ONLY GUY TRIPPIN PIPE FOR HIM. WHAT A AWESOME DRILLER, RIGHT? THIS COMPANY IS HEADED TO THE TOILET IF THESE GUYS ARE ANYTHING LIKE THE GUYS THAT ARE RUNNING IT!
Pros: disgusting trailers on location, just plain mean people as employers
Cons: no job security or respect of any kind. you r worth less than nothing to them.