BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE OF THESE GUYS, THEY ARE LIARS, SCAMMERS AND CHEATS !! They sold me a 1969 Camaro SS/RS sight unseen (my fault for being trusting) and based of the pictures the car seemed to be perfect. Besides there being a LOT of things wrong with the vehicle, electrical issues, non-disclosed body damage etc ... they described the vehicle as having the well know and sought after 396ci /375HP HO engine. Got the car home and realized that NOT ONE part on that engine was reflective of the 396/375 engine.... \r
So now after an email or two sent back and forth, they ve gone silent. No more emails, will not pick up my calls ... total blackout\r
In the end, it s going to cost me almost $10,000.00 to get the car back to the level I thought it was going to be.\r
Please don t let this happen to you, and DO NOT SUPPORT THESE GUYS. They belong in prison ...\r
Steve from Canada