Sal is the owner and is the only person that I trust to cut my not quite straight, not quite wavy long hair into a style fit for heated rollers. The rest of the stylists are very talented, buy he's the best. Usually it's hard for me to find someone who reallly knows the characteristics of hair and actually pays attention to what you describe what you want, what is your lifestyle and styling skill. Even the girls who wash your hair are great at blowing out a hair style straight. I usually look so busted with straight hair that a guy won'y even look at me (No, I'm not ugly, just styling challenged). But when she blew my hair straight with the ends curled in, I felt and even better yet, looked like a million dollars. It was great to see guys turn their heads and gape at me. I even saw women checking out my new hair do! Final judgement: I'm picky, the conversations are cool and this place is great!
Pros: ambiance
Cons: tricky to find drive in entrance until you pass it.