OAL took over my complicated Social Security Disability case when I discharged a No-Name lawyer that was not getting the job done! Through this process as well as other civil, criminal, and workman' s compensation legal issues I've had to deal with over the years one thing is CRYSTAL CLEAR; if you want favorable results you must hire a specialist in the area of law that you need help with! If you've been charged with Murder you wouldn't want a tax attorney handling the case, you would want a Criminal
Defense attorney who specializes in violent crime trials with an excellent track record. This is why I contacted O'Connor, Acciani, and Levy when I wanted results with my Social Security Disability claim.
I was not made any promises and everything was explained to me in a way I could understand. In the end I went in front of an administrative Law Judge who ruled in my favor and subsequently granted my Disability! Thanks again to Henry Acciani and all of the wonderful staff members.