At last - I knew that if I kept trying, I would find a company that did the diet food delivery RIGHT, and finally, I found Nutropia!
I can't even remember all of the companies that I've tried and was greatly disappointed by, but Nutropia was the third this past year, and much to my delight, they hit every single point - reliable delivery, nice and accommodating customer service, and most importantly, REALLY healthy, but amazingly delicious food, with well over 20 choices for each meal and 2 snacks! Their portions and preparation are wonderfully consistent (something that previous companies I had tried were seriously deficient in), and also unlike other companies, they are extremely generous with the most healthy ingredients in a dish - for example, a blueberry breakfast muffin from The Fresh Diet would have 1 -3 berries in it,, while a Nutropia muffin will have way too many to count, but my guess would be 30 - 40! A serving of asparagus from The Fresh Diet would be 2 - 4 small stalks, and again, too many to count from Nutropia, but my guess would be around 30 stalks - and I could go on and on about this, but the best thing to do would be to go to Nutropia's facebook page, and check out the pictures for yourself - and then give them a try, because unlike every other company that tries to rope you in by giving you their highest price to try it for a week, and will only give you the lowest price if you commit to a month or more, Nutropia will give you their best price to try it for a week! Know why? - they don't have to rope you in with manipulative sales techniques, because they know that their incredible food and service will do that! I think that I was ready to sign-up for a 40 day package 2 days into my week trial, and now I'm ready for my third renewal, and can't envision EVER leaving them!