Showed up an hour late. Spent the first 45 minutes going over an estimate, back and fourth phone calls, and doing 3rd grade math on a cell phone. I had 12 pieces of furniture to move, all already disassembled and ready to go. My card was charged 100 dollars over what the final price was. The best was when they sat in their truck for a half hour before leaving for the new house. When I got out to ask what the hell they were doing I was told, ""I don't know where my partner went"". I was asked if there was a Mcdonald's between places they could stop at. They destroyed two pieces of furniture due to pure laziness. Gashed my brand new hand rail, ripped apart molding, scuffed up walls and tore up the backs of book shelves from tape being directly on it. My 8 months pregnant wife was unable to sleep in our bed after all of this since they shattered the frame. We have to wait 7 days now for the claim form.
Pros: They left my house