The bench outside of of Ms. Newlon's office states, ""liars bench."" Ms. Newlon will be nice to your face but she betrays your confidence and has no problem talking about you behind your back--even with other clients.
Ms. Newlon thinks that the town is full of corruption and she should know, in my opinion she is involved.
These other people that gave her good recommendations are probably paid by her or something. There is nothing great about this lawyer, in fact she is all about wheeling and dealing--why fight for your rights when she can just go in a back room and deal in secrecy. Sadly, it could even be without your permission or knowledge until it's too late.
Also, don't try contacting her. You can never reach her. That is, unless it is about paying her. She is available with her hand out. Big surprise there.
Pros: She is pretty
Cons: In my opinion, incompetent