I learned a lot about jewelry when I went to a real jewelry store, and it was not from Precision Watch & Ringsmith. This place is a joke! You may have seen there advertisement in some of those Dollar Saver magazines for a 3 day ring size, or ring sizing while you wait. I had my engagement ring sized and was told in could be ready by the end of the business day. They had it done by the end of that day, only to have the stone fall out a day later! Yes, that's right the stone on my beautiful engagement ring had fallen out!!! My ring was a channel set piece, which I did not know. These types of settings can take longer to re-size, and this type of setting needs to be re-sized a different way. I found that out from a real jeweler. Either these clowns didn't know how to re-size a channel setting, or they just wanted the money to re-size my ring. I didn't feel like they cared how the job was done, as long as it was done, they got paid, and I was out the door.