DANGER TO TRUST MY AUTO WORKS! Don't be a fool go elsewhere! \r
My Auto Works (Rolland) has taken advantage of my father a disabled elderly man. They couldn't even get an alignment right. Cost my Father 4 brand new Full sized truck tires NOT CHEAP! \r
They promised they would complete reairs to a Dodge Durango of mine and left out nuts to my differential! DANGER!!! (I posted pictures to my facebook page.)\r
They say they have towing but left my family stranded on the freeway! Because of their faulty workmanship after promising they were christians and would have an ASE Certified Technician do and complete all the workmanship! Thank you wifey she had AAA We had to have all the work they did redone all $4,000 of it! \r
These people took my truck to another shop to fix it... \r
Who does that? Claimed it to be the ""sister shop"" said Rolland... \r
I had to go to the sister shop to get my truck back that was not repaired by the way... \r