So worried to board our 5 mth old puppy, but HAD to. So, on the referral of 3 friends, I visited. Was greeted kindly, facility could be roomer, but smelled ok & the people were very affectionate to her while I visited. (They were replanting grass, so she would only have one of the two areas to run/play in...but I was sure she'd have fun smelling the grass where hundreds of other dogs had been in the past! ). Anyway, the hours were just right for us to drop-off & pick her up. After hearing horror stories of how dogs return home w/ bad behaviors & a smelly coat, don't eat well, & aren't loved on, & so on--->NONE of that happened...she was FINE! Her food tin was almost empty, she was SOOOO happy to see us, smelled fine, & the price was just right--no added charges. She was a little jumpy/easily excitable for a day or two, but then was fine. I was especially impressed that they really understood/accommodated the needs of a puppy--meaning they automatically allowed 4 or 5 (I don't remember which) potty times per day for puppies with no extra fee. (We did purchase a few more for her, anticipating that she'd need them in order to be comfortable & we purchased a 15 min walk each day for her too for a few extra dollars a day!). All in all, I'd recommend Mt Tabor with only one hesitation!! ****If I had a 100+ lb dog, I'd find a place w/ a bigger yard. Oh, & if your animal's staying for 5-6+ days, have her shampooed before bringing her home! Also, visit ahead of time to fill out the paperwork (vaccines, when/how you want her fed, how many treats she's allowed to have, etc---(very important!--as my doggie needed another kennel cough shot before being allowed to stay). So, I hope this helps you in your search!