I had a great instructor for several years but he closed his studio, and I found The Movement Center about five years ago. The setting is exceptionally tranquil and lends itself to genuine yoga practice. The instructors offer considerable variety in emphasis and approach, but all are thoroughly qualified and highly skilled. Classes are small and instruction focuses on enhancing each individual's practice according to each one's capacities. The schedule offers various times of day and days of the week, and styles from gentle to strenuous. In addition to regular weekly classes, there are many special two and three day intensive workshops available from time to time, featuring notable master teachers and sometimes physician instructors. Prices are reasonable and consideration is given seniors. Street parking is readily available, and there are bike racks inside the grounds of the old Laurelhurst Manor with its gardens. A marked contrast with typical ""gym"" settings. Be sure to check their website: mcyoga (dot) com.
Pros: Ambience, instruction quality, variety of options