I guess the above commenter was a pro. abortionist, but the truth is, it's a great church, and i encourage everyone to check it out. Pastor Fozard has a great sermon, and you'll ...
They could have a good message on Sunday but they haven't paid their bill for my services last Feb 2010. My father was right when he said ""if you're dealing with a preacher get ...
Mt. Zion Christian Church "Victory Through Faith Ministries"
Welcome to Mount Zion Christian Church - Pastor Donald Q. Fozard Sr Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no other name given under these heavens whereby men can be saved, healed, or delivered, other than the name of Jesus.Mount Zion Christian Church (MZCC) is a non?denominational, multicultural, family church with a holistic approach. We believe in the full gospel message of Jesus Christ. MZCC is the home of Victory Through Faith and Conquering Through Faith Ministries, taking the truth to the nations with local, regional, and national television broadcasts