What a great experience. Having searched for a good mechanic for my bike for years, I was thrilled to find someone nearby with such high ratings.
Then I read the reviews. Whoa, wait a minute, this guy sounds like a nutjob. The soup nazi of motorcycle repair? Don't care, I don't like rudeness, but I will put up with quite a lot for a good mechanic. So I read every review I could find, learned what seems to tip Tom over the edge, and made damn sure I didn't do any of those things. Also, I love Steve and his Key Lime pies, and if he is only as gruff as Steve, clearly the stories were over-rated, and a recommendation from someone who makes pies as good as Steve's is not to be taken lightly.
I called and kept it as brief as possible:
""Hi, 2008 Kawasaki, need tires changed""
""Do you have the tires?""
""Get the tires and call me back""
""Can I ship them to you""
""Thanks, bye""
Phew. So far so good. By the way, most places make you order tires through them, so they can mark them up. Tom is all about an honest dollar for honest work.
Tires arrived, Tom called, said he had an opening the next day, and was open from 9-5:30. I showed up at 8:57 and sat quietly outside (on the street, engine off!). Tome ushered me in, I handed over the list of things that I would like done/looked at, explaining that only the things we discussed, tires, were mandatory, everything else was only if he could fit it in.
Calls me back at about 3 o'clock the same day, ready to pick up. Left work early (I can find a new job, not sure if I can find another good mechanic) and headed over to the shop.
Tom was awesome. Friendly, chatty, knowledgeable and generous with his knowledge, and funny as hell. Clearly this is a guy who loves bikes of all kinds, and enjoys his work. I am looking for a less reliable bike so I can go learn more from him.
After I realized he was not the terror some paint him to be, I told him I had read some awful things about him on the internet. He laughed raucously, and we talked about some of the people who have given bad reviews. People who break appointments, leave their loud bikes running on the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood, and generally expect him to act like a waiter.
He doesn't take any 5h!t, and nor should he, but he is a solid mechanic, a stand-up guy, and if you don't piss him off with stupidity, will do great work at a fair price, and I challenge you to find better.