Dear ""Not Revealing,""
Probably not the brightest idea busting balls in a hardware store...too many temptations on hand for the sales staff...(Although I wouldn't blame them...)
I've been wheelchair bound for a number of years. I have had NO problem navigating the aisles at Moorestown Hardware. I'm incredulous as to how you could...
What's more, I've found their people to be friendly and helpful to me and to my family. Mr. Bender, (Pete), has assisted me on numerous occasions. I was grateful he appeared on my doorstep with my wallet a while back. I dropped it in the parking lot and Bender brought it to me himself.
Doesn't sound like the same fellow.
Then again...
Maybe you picked the wrong store to meet your needs?
Seems to me you've got an axe to grind. They may sell them, but I don't think they sharpen them there.