After my car was rear ended, I took my car to their body shop for repair. I wanted to go to a real body shop, but my car needed some service items as well, so I figured I'd knock it all out with one stop and save time. Well, I should have gone with my gut and gone to a reliable body shop. Why the work initially appeared okay, the extra time I had to invest in dealing with their lack of service is more than I would have spent taking my car into two separate shops. And I've now found an issue with the repair, and their exceptional customer service shines through again as they are less than helpful in getting it resolved. They act like they're doing me a huge favor my fixing what they should have had right the first time. I especially like when I was on the phone with the lady who I believe is the body shop manager, she could tell I was not satisfied when she was giving me the run around about how to resolve, and when I asked about a couple times I didn't get any answers for awhile b/c she had started talking to someone else in the background. I will definitely not be back - for service or to purchase a car.