I've spent time in cities over the world, including several in Japan, and this is the best Japanese seafood buffet I've ever seen, not only in quantity but in quality, variety, and creativity. I counted at least a dozen dishes here that I've never seen elsewhere. The Restaurant's CitySearch description of its food and look is accurate if not too modest. What it doesn't contain is the low-key, inviting decor (like a good-quality restaurant in Japan), quiet atmosphere (the only buffet I've ever been in that's interior-designed so it's not noisy), scrupulous cleanliness, and aware and friendly service. Outstanding dishes: hot-- udon soup (especially savory), barbecued spareribs (meaty, moist & tangy), spicy warm salmon rolls, jumbo stuffed shrimp, baby eggplant akamiso (tender and juicy) and the absolute prize-winner, shrimp with oyster sauce (the best shrimp I've ever had in my life), plus always plenty of BIG steamed king crab legs, unlike other buffets that serve them small and stingily. Sushi: the best, biggest and most delicious assortment anywhere, including traditional favorites (e.g. sea urchin roe, $5-$10 per piece at other places) and custom inventions. Salads: lots, favorites being hiyiki (dark seaweed, shiitake mushrooms and carrots) and anishi-wakini (green seaweed), both light and delicious. Plus they'll custom-cook you a dessert crepe with fruit! Worth making a one-hour trip each way!