I had Millenium Group build my website in 2006 and was, at that time very happy with its appearance. However, Brian, the man I worked with left the company before it was completed and before I was trained properly to work on certain aspects of it. From that point on I have had nothing but problems. The site was essentially never finished because certain sale buttons never worked properly. I called and talked to Andy Pizer (who I find to be very condescending and patronizing) and others on several occasions but nothing was ever resolved in regards to these programs. At one time, I spent over $200 getting my computer fixed and the problem was misdiagnosed - it turned out to be the mother board which meant that I wasted the repair money. I traded an antique safe to Andy for computer work and web hosting. The value of the safe was between $3000 and $4000 yet all I got from him was less than $600.00 worth of services. I was certainly willing to sell the safe for less than it was appraised at but $600 is ridiculous. The final affront was when MY site was built, my domain that I had had for several years was put in Millennium Group's name. Recently I wanted it put in my name and a few days later they dumped my site off of their server. This created some serious problems for me until I could get it one another server. This is particularly problematic since they still owe me a great deal of money for the safe that I will never see. When Andy says, ""I've got your back,"" check to see how long the knife is. I now have a new site and am happy that I can work on it myself without depending on people like this. At this point, I wouldn't trust these people with a Commodore 64