10/4/12: I informed Scott my 2001 Lexus ES300 has an error code “P0770.” Later that day, Scott said the problem may be a bad bearing or just need cleaning. It will cost me $695 to find out, so I gave him consent to check it out. This way, I can make a sound decision.
10/5/12: Scott found a clogged transmission line, so it and surrounding parts need to be replaced for $3295! I told him no and will pick up my car. He heatedly told me that he will put the transmission back together, but “it may not be 100% or guaranteed to shift properly!’ He said my car will not be ready until Monday and that I owe $695! Later, Scott called me with a lower cost of $2295! I said, “No!”
10/6/12: Scott called and offered to buy my car! I told him “No” and asked for my car. He said, “I told you Monday!”
10/8/12: Scott told me the cost is now $1548! I said, “No!” About 3pm, Scott told me, “I can put it back together right or fast and not working!” About 5:40pm, Scott left for the day! My wife got Manager John on the phone and I told him what happened. He replied arrogantly, “Fine that you do not want to do business with us. You need to call Scott, for I do not have time to deal with Scott’s problems!”
10/9/12: Scott told me my car will be ready between 3-4pm and have to pay $695 in cash! He said belligerently, “If you want your car, you must pay in cash!” I arrived about 3:15pm and Scott said, “No, your car is not ready! I told you I will call!” I told him I had spoken with John. Now he tells me, “The car cannot move, it is not shifting, and I don’t give a sh** who you talked to!” A mechanic drove my car into the bay and performed fluid drain, screen clean, fluid refill, and road test. Scott said the P0770 code is gone, but now has a P1155 code! He dismissed the bad bearing and said he cleared the clogged hose. I found the air filter partially assembled, dip stick half way in, and lines loose and dangling!
10/12/12: I called and complained to the Customer Relations Department about the whole ordeal and the cash policy.