I am amazed by all of the rants and raves about this company. I have used Mile Hi aeration since 1987 and since that time I have had no problems. They tell me to mark my sprinkler heads, they advise me to WATER my lawn prior to the appointment day for better results. When I have had them clean my windows, they tell me to remove my screens. They charge a price far far less than I can even rent a machine and do it myself. I believe the consumer has a responsibility when getting home services done. I saw some complaints about damage to an "invisible fence". I had to laugh.... It's invisible.... Why is that Mile Hi's responsibility? FLAG YOUR HEADS, for goodness sake your hiring a company to come and slam steel rods through your grass, FLAG YOUR HEADS. WATER YOUR LAWN. REMOVE YOUR SCREENS, SHUTOFF the water so they can blowout your sprinkler system. Leave a gate unlocked and put your pitbull away so that they can get in and complete your service. I just know that these complaints about not showing up have to do with lack of responsibility on the part of the homeowner. I have never had an issue, yes some years I have had deeper plugs than other years, but that is because the softness of my turf has varried from year to year. This is not an equipment problem, this is not a customer service problem, this is not a Mile Hi problem. They dominate their industry unlike any other company I have ever seen. They continue to grow and prosper because they satisfy thousands and thousands of consumers every year. I suppose they figure, if 20 or so people would rather complain than get an issue taken care of so be it.