The owners gave us an introduction and made sure we understood what the massage bed can do for us. They answered ALL of our questions. Then we had a treatment on one of their nine beds.
The bed has a system that aligns your spine and heats your body 2 1/2 inches deep. There is an acupressure component, a chiropractic component, and even a reflexology program. You detoxify and meditate all at one time. Awesome.
Our treatment lasted for 30 minutes. We were so relaxed afterwards, it was unbelievable. They will let you come back for several treatments a week for a month. After that there is a small charge for each treatment, less than $10. Very affordable. Their web site is: migunnc
The atmosphere is nice and quiet and we felt no pressure. The Migun store is located on Elliott road in Chapel Hill. Call and ask for your free treatment. I can't wait to go back next week, and they will let me bring a friend.
Pros: Service, atmosphere, health benefits, soothing experience
Cons: Not open on Sunday.