OK this clinic should be shut down I am very close to filing 2 different law suits against them. Over the past 5 years I have developed a variety of illnesses after a back surgery, and the many nerve blocks I have had, due to a fall I had. I have been told that I will forever be on pain narcotics due to my 6-7 back conditions. (i.e.. Degenerative Back disease, failed back syndrome, arthritis, bone spurs, arachnoiditis, spondylothesis, sciatica and of course the 3 herniated disks 1 which ruptured that led to my demise as a self sufficient person, It is well documented that nerve blocks of any type are contraindicated in persons with arachnoiditis and has been documented in over 50 papers. The blocks caused me to have cushings syndrome with no chance of ever having having any children, even if I was to get better . They also cause the arachnoiditis to flare up, with increased sciatica (something I never had before the blocks before of after surgery) . However, inoder to get my medication I must agree to have them prefrom the blocks. I wanted to use my own Anestisiologist for them but the wouldn't hear of it. (it has to be a $$ thing, which is why I should sue because that is where it obviously would hurt them for the way they have treated me. As far as the blocks go they herd you in like a cattle run and don't seem to care about your comfront at all. I have had to take extra of my own meds from home just so I could lay the way they need me to.
Just search contraindications of nerve blocks and arachnoiditis & / or epidurals to see how bad these blocks are.
Also, my mother who has fibromyalgia and lupus and no back pain at all has been made to get blocks even though she doesn't need them at all. This has caused all kind of complications with her also, But again before they will give her, her medications she must take the blocks. These people are setting themselves up for a bad lawsuit . Walking a thin line!!
Here are some names of other docts I can suggest:
Paul King For persons on hydrocodone only
Dr Jackson gives all meds, but don't go to him just because your doctor has been shut down.
Dr Kassner Ive heard ok things about her gives all meds I think Hard to get in doesnt take insur.
Dr White in MS columbus who is a Great doc will leave it to you for blocks (knocks you out), gives all meds Worth the drive!
Dr kraus for blocks only that doesn't judge you and will
make the block a pleasurable one
Dr Milnor if you can put up with his BS Attitude gives all meds I think.
Dr Breckenridge & Parteners heard good things about them
Anyone who can add doctors to this list please email me at Drnutkov at aol. I am going to try and get a Memphis and surrounding city Pain doctor Site up so we will stop wasting our time and money going to doctors that are worthless. Oh and get accused of doctor shopping.
Oh and Please Drug abusers please don't waste my time it is you that ruin it for us who have real pain and need to get better.
I would stay away from Parker, Mays/ Schanapps, Both make up lies and put them in your reports, call your doctor who you might be getting meds from and threaten their licence and turn them into the DEA if you are on meds they refuse or do not like to give.