Failed to follow through on promises. We went through a modular home buying process 3 different times since the start of 2007, and each time something came up on Mid Michigan's end that prevented us from closing the deal. Our sales rep never bothered to find out if modular homes would be allowed on the properties we were looking at, and we put $200 down on land, $500 to a site building contractor, and $650 toward appraisals and other fees. Only the property money has been returned, but we get the runaround for the other money. Basically we put thousands into absolutely nothing. Through their loan office referal they promised us no money down, and also failed on that. Our loan officer surprised us out of nowhere with a request of $8000 down, or in the form of a gift payment. Luckily we didn't fall for that much.
We are very upset with this company, the staff, and the outside bank and contractor referals they gave to us. Everyone took money, but not a single person provided any form of goods or service.