I was involved in 2 car accidents within 2 months. I was a mess and knew that I needed some serious help. I wasn't able to sleep and it was causing me physical and mental anguish. The pain was in my shoulder and neck and was causing daily migraines. Just something as simple as sitting was impossible.
I wanted to find an answer to my pain and not just mask the pain by ingesting all my prescriptions that the medical doctors love to throw our way. I am happy to say that through amazing care given by Dr. Kern that I am now sleeping at night and even in my own bed! I hadn't slept in my bed since October because the pain was so bad I had to prop myself up on the couch. It is definitely something we take for granted, but almost unbearable once it is no longer an option.
I have also stopped taking any type of pain medication and I feel amazing!!! Don't wait until something is wrong to make the call and see Dr. Kern, it will Save Your Life!