All the positive reviews are clearly personal friends of hers. Stay away from this woman. She is not licensed to perform cosmetic procedures. She is only an M.D (Medical Doctor). Only the brightest and smartest doctors are trained professionally for cosmetic surgery and MUST be a member through American Board of Plastic Surgeons. \r
No matter how many hours she has racked up internationally, she still could not become an ABPS member (this should tell you something). \r
This woman is NOT a member. It takes many hours and lots of work and only the best are awarded. Check her background THOROUGHLY and her disciplinary records. She went on a drug binge back in 2004 (the report is posted on that Rip Off Report site) and she was addicted to medications that she prescribed for herself. \r
It is on her records so be sure and DO YOUR RESEARCH and save yourself some time, money and physical pain. You will thank me in the long run!