As a home builder, I have dealt with several landscapers and paving stone contractors. With other landscapers I have always found the annoyance of unexpected "Extras" and that the person quoting or designing the job isn't the person actually doing the job, which can lead to interpretation of the work, different from my own. With Marchetti and Thompson Buds and Blooms doing the actual work and also the landscape design. Their work is creative and reasonably priced. With his paving stones, he compacts the area sufficiently and concretes the edges. Other firms use plastic edging and lightly compact the ground, which has lead to repairs after a year or so. Simple things such as planting bed heights and shapes can make or break the enjoyment of the garden, on my own home I am very satisfied every time I look out my windows and see Marchetti and Thompson Buds and Blooms's work.