My son bought a car from them in 2006 ,a 2005 chrysler 300,on the way home the day he bought it, he noticed that the car was pulling to the left,he called the salesman the same day and told him bring it back one day and we will do a front end alignment to repair it ,well a week after he came down and they had to order a part to do this alignment,to come back after they get the part well they called a week later so he took it down .The day we took it down is went we found out that this car was in a small fender bender and blamed it on my son,they said he must of the curve to do this much damage,wich was a lie, because it came from there store just like that I was in the car with my son nomore then 1 mile away from them when he called to them the problem,well the rest is history because after being called a lier my son will not go back to them , Grindstaf chevy gave my son the papers to prove how many times that car was repaired before my son bought it .So buyers bewareof the Bristol Crooks at Tim Marburger Dodge Chrysler
Pros: Good Salections
Cons: Bad salesmans in Bristol TN